
How to install Zoe Networking Module

Make sure you have previously downloaded and installed Zoe for Unity plugin.

Download the Networking Module (compatible with the version of Zoe for Unity that you previously installed).

With your Unity project open, double-click on the .unitypackage of the module. You should see the following window:

Press on 'Import', the following window should pop up:

Before installing the Zoe module you will need to install Photon. You can use both buttons in the popup window or click on the following links:

Note that you could also install both Photon packages in your project before opening the networking module.

Open both plugins in Unity, you should see the Package Manager window open:

Download both Photon packages into your project.

Before importing the Photon packages you will need to close the Zoe Networking module initialization popup window (otherwise the Import window for the packages won't show).

Import both Photon packages into your project (you might need to close the Zoe initialization popup every time). This is what you should see when importing the Photon PUN package:

While importing Photon PUN 2 you will get a popup to fill in the Photon Settings, you can skip this to fill later or follow the project Setup if you already have a Photon account and application details. This will be required for distributing your application.

After packages have been imported, go to the Zoe menu on the top bar and click on 'Open Initialisation Tool'. This should open back the Networking Module popup window. Finally click on 'Install Zoe Photon Integration' and wait until the process is finished. Once you're done you should get the following Folder structure in your project:

Last updated